Our teachers work closely with Fr. Pat and our principal, Mrs. Martin, and with parents of the CCS students to help instill the beliefs and traditions of our Catholic Faith. Through the daily Religion classes that all students attend, our children continue on their journey to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. By providing activities and opportunities to practice patience, kindness, compassion, service, respect, and love for one another, our students learn to treat themselves and others as Jesus would.
Daily Prayer: From the beginning of each school morning, through the daily lessons and activities at school, to the end of each school day, our children have opportunities for prayer. These include memorized or spontaneous prayers, Bible verses, and special intentions of the day. As an entire school body, we pray the rosary during the March-for-Life and May Crowning of our Blessed Mother, Mary.
Saints and Virtues: This year all Archdiocesan Schools will participate in the Education in Virtue program. This program focuses on the development of the whole person and equips our children to strive for holiness, which is where we will find true happiness. The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines virtue as “a habitual and firm disposition to do the good.” Virtues are essentially those habits of doing good that lead us to Christ. The three theological virtues are faith, hope, and charity. The Cardinal virtues are justice, prudence, fortitude, and temperance. Flowing from these 7 core virtues are countless other virtues that help us to be in a relationship with God. Everyone is born with a capacity for virtue, but we need education and practice to become truly virtuous people. Each week, we will focus on a particular virtue as a school. Students will learn the definition as well as what living the virtue looks and sounds like in our actions and words.
Mass: During the school year, Fr. Pat along with the help of a designated class, lead the celebration of our 8:15 Friday morning Mass. All students in kindergarten through 8th grade along with their classroom teachers attend the weekly Masses. Parishioners and CCS students join together for the celebration of Mass. In the instance of a Holy Day of Obligation falling during a school week, our students will attend the 8:15am Mass on that date instead of on Friday. The dates that our students will attend 8:15am Mass can be found on our school calendar. We invite family members of our students to join us!
Sacramental Preparation: For our CCS second-graders (and students in the Sunday School Program) who are beginning their preparation for receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist, and for the middle grades who will later receive the sacrament of Confirmation, our students learn about Church teachings and truths to help them uphold and explain our Catholic faith to others. As an integral part of their sacramental preparation, the members of the Pro-Life Club and Disciples of St. Michael in our middle-school, participate in a variety of service projects.
Special Faith Formation Activities, Events, and Service Projects:
Blue Mass
Grandparents’ Day Mass/Reception
Red Ribbon Run
All Saints
Thanksgiving Baskets
Boxes of Joy