The first bell rings at 7:45 a.m.; the tardy bell rings at 7:55 a.m.
We have staggered dismissal times. They are as follows:
Students are allowed early dismissal when requested by a parent or guardian. Please stop by the school office to sign out your child. They must be checked out by 2:30 p.m. Students may not be picked up for early dismissal between 2:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Yes, please send a snack with your child every day. Things to avoid sending are: pudding or fruit cups, candy or messy food. Please do not send a drink; students have time to go to the water fountain during snack time. (Please see peanut policy below.)
In most classes, students may bring peanut butter and peanut products for lunch or snack. However, a number of students have peanut allergies so severe that hospitalization has occurred because of a reaction to peanut butter and/or peanut products. When this is the case, we will designate a classroom peanut free. If you have been notified by your child’s teacher that a student in the class has a peanut allergy, you may not send any peanut products to school with your child for snack. This also applies to snacks and lunches for field trips. This includes anything made with peanut butter or peanut products. We have a special table, the peanut-free table, in the cafeteria for students with peanut allergies. Students who have anything with peanuts may not sit at that table. Students are encouraged to wash their hands after eating peanut butter at lunch since students with a severe allergy are often affected by just touching someone who has had peanut butter.
Parents will need to set up an account for their child in order to purchase school lunch. Please use the link below for more information on our Lunch Program.
Learn More About Our Lunch Program
YES! Children are welcome to bring lunch from home. Please do not drop off fast food for your students.
Preschool and Primary (PK-2nd grade) students go between 11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., Elementary (3rd-4th grade) students go to lunch between 11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 5th through 8th grades have lunch between 12:00 p.m. – 12:40 p.m. At this time, parents may not join their child during their lunch period after checking in at the school office.
Medication, prescription or non-prescription, is given to students only with a prescription signed by a physician. The parent/guardian must supply all medication with the prescription. Medicines must be left in the Health Room in the original containers, with explicit written directions for administration. It is important for school personnel to know when children are placed on medication, or when their medication or dosage is changed.
Our complete Uniform Policy may be reviewed via the Uniform Policy link below. It is also available in our full Handbook. Please review it to ensure that your child is in compliance with all uniform rules.
The complete uniform is the only acceptable attire for all students in grades K3 - 8. All students must purchase either a uniform sweatshirt or jacket. Students will not be allowed to wear non-uniform jackets unless the weather is extremely cold and additional outerwear is needed. White or black tights may be worn on cold days. (Neither leggings nor footless tights are allowed.) Uniform items are available for purchase at Zoghby’s Uniforms.
Shoes may not have any design. Athletic shoes are not acceptable for school attire at any time in grades 4-8 except for physical education, and these must be clean and presentable. When school shoes are being repaired, a note must be presented to the homeroom teacher.
Shirts and blouses must be neatly tucked in at all times during the school day until 3:30. Boys’ belts and girls’ waistbands must be visible. T-shirts or the P. E. shirt may not be visible under uniform shirts or blouses. Only solid white T-shirts may be worn.
The decision to grant an excused uniform exemption rests solely with the principal. Ordinarily only medical excuses will be granted for students who need to be out of uniform, this includes shoes. Notes must come from a medical doctor. The school also reserves the right to determine the suitability of dress/grooming for all school functions and to require corrective action when deemed necessary. Students who are out of uniform, who do not wear the uniform correctly, who wear uniforms that do not fit properly or which are not properly maintained, or who are in violation of dress/grooming codes are subject to disciplinary action.
Students are not permitted to wear make-up or fingernail polish to school. Shirts and blouses must be tucked in at all times. The length of jumpers and skirts will be no shorter than two inches above the knees.
Reminder: In keeping with our atmosphere of a disciplined Catholic school, students will be allowed to wear only Christian jewelry appropriate to maintaining that atmosphere. Specifically, one watch, one ring, one pair of earrings that fit on ear lobes (no dangling earrings), and one simple chain with a Christian religious medallion (no necklaces) are considered appropriate. Boys may not wear earrings. Bracelets are not allowed.
In the case of an extended absence of two or more days because of a trip or vacation, parents must submit written notification to the principal at least five days in advance. The principal will notify the teacher. It is then the responsibility of the student/parent to make arrangements with the teacher for assignments. If teachers assign work before the absence, the work is due the day that the student returns to school and tests must be taken within two days of return. If the student does not receive work before the absence, the student will have three days to make up work and take tests. Work that is not completed within the required time will receive a zero. Teachers will make every effort to give students all missed assignments but they will not repeat any missed instruction.
The proper process for arranging a meeting with your child's teacher is to contact the school office, send a note in your child's folder, or send an e-mail to your child's teacher requesting a meeting. When requesting a meeting, you should include more than one time over the next several days that you would be available to meet with the teacher. Visit the Staff page of our website for a list of all our teachers and their e-mail addresses.
Faculty-Staff Directory
Immediately before school or after school is not an appropriate time to have unscheduled discussions with a teacher as all teachers have duties both before and after school.
Parents should make an effort to handle concerns with the teacher directly. Only after attempts to resolve any concerns directly with the teacher have failed, shoudl the assistant principal or principal be contacted. Please follow the same process for arranging a meeting with the assistant principal or principal that you would for scheduling a meeting with a teacher.